Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This is what we call make what you want while the hubby is out of town food!!

Biscuit Pizza

what you need:
1 Tube of buttermilk biscuits
monterey jack cheese or  your cheese of choice
whatever toppings that you want!  I just went with cheese!!
jar of pizza sauce


Heat oven to 350

Open tube of biscuit and put in center of baking pan, I doubled one up so that i had three rows of three, and then pinches biscuits together!

put on pizza sauce, layer with cheese then  your toppings!

bake approx 15 minutes!

my kind of fast easy delicious meal!!! 

Enjoy!  can reserve some pizza sauce on side to dip in also!!

Disclaimer - This Recipe is an original by Stephanie Spaltro. You may share with your friends as long as you link back to us http://funnyfoodandfriends.blogspot.com/ Thank you for reading and please try our recipe and comment on what you think of it. What changes did you make or ingredients did you add to it? We want to hear from you.

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