Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ok here is my take on them!

Super Yummy Lite Muffins

1 Box of Duncan Hines Cake Mix-I used a white cake mix!

1 15oz can of Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Empty the cake mix in a bowl and with clean hands pinch out all the clumps
(this is important because if you don’t the clumps turn crunchy when they are baked)

When they are pinched out add the can of pumpkin and fold it in with a rubber spatula

When it’s all folded together stir it for a creamier texture

Spoon into an ungreased muffin pan

I put mine in muffin cups so you might want to cook them for a few minutes longer...use toothpick to make sure it comes out clean to know when done!

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes

Here is the Skinny: 1 mini muffin contains 90 calories, 1.75g of fat, 0mgs of cholesterol, 16g of Carbohydrates 2g fiber , 9g sugar, 1g protein

Now if you like toppings here is a quick and easy topping recipe that I didn’t make tonight, but it adds protein and extra sweetness:
1 C Vanilla Greek yogurt ( I prefer Oikos)
A Splash of vanilla extract (I use a capfull)
½ cup powdered sugar

Mix all ingredients until they become thick and creamy
Set in the fridge for about 30 minutes then spread on the muffin and ENJOY!!

Disclaimer - This Recipe is an original by Stephanie. You may share with your friends as long as you link back to us. Thank you for reading and please try our recipe and comment on what you think of it. What changes did you make or ingredients did you add to it? We want to hear from you.

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