Wednesday, September 18, 2013

These are so good, when I could eat food again after my surgeries this year, I dreamed of these meatballs!!

20 Italian Style Meatballs-thawed
10 Pillsbury Biscuits
2 c mozzarella cheese
pizza sauce for dipping
italian seasoning
garlic powder

Spray baking sheet with cooking spray!

thaw meatballs in microwave usually for about 1 1/2 minutes - 2 dont want them in there too long because they will get hard.  Just enough to take that frozen out of them.  Take one biscuit and stretch it out in your hand. Take a pinch of mozzarella cheese and set on biscuit. Place 2 meatballs on cheese in biscuit and fold/seal biscuit around them..You dont want any holes because then your cheese will run all out of them while baking!  Repeat for remaining 9 biscuits.  You can do it with just one meatball per biscuit, but as ya all know I am a piggie! =D

Arrange on baking sheet.  Sprinkle each with Italian seasoning and garlic powder.  Bake at 350 for about 13 minutes... Time may vary depending on your oven!

serve with  your favorite dipping sauce! But I just like to eat mine with the meatball and cheese, my hubby likes to dip them in pizza sauce :)


**Disclaimer - This Recipe is an original by Stephanie Spaltro.. You may share with your friends as long as you link back to us Thank you for reading and please try our recipes and comment on what you think of it. What changes did you make or ingredients did you add to it? We want to hear from you.**

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