Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mmmam & Cheese Sandwhich!

(Photo & Recipe by Stephanie Spaltro)


2 Slices of Bread of your choice
3 slices of ham
2 slices of cheese


turn stove top on with a frying pan? sounds good to me!
butter outside of bread (both slices)
Put 1 piece of cheese, then ham and top with other piece of cheese! Place top of bread on meat, butter side out!

Put it in frying pan and cook to desired darkness about 3 minutes on medium heat! Depending on you stove!
do the same thing on other side!

Serve & Enjoy!!

Disclaimer - This Recipe is an original by Stephanie Spaltro. You may share with your friends as long as you link back to us Thank you for reading and please try our recipe and comment on what you think of it. What changes did you make or ingredients did you add to it? We want to hear from you.

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