Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Thank you for sharing, Crystal You look AMAZING!!!

"Hi. I'm Crystal. I'm 33 years old. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia two years ago but have struggled with symptoms for years. I have always been a big girl. Lost some after having my two kids but always put it back on. I struggled daily with my self image for years. I started Skinny Fiber May 11 of this year. I weighed 205 and was in a tight 16. I now weigh as of today 183 and in a size 12 and some 10s. I am completely off my fibro medicines and only occasionally have to take a pain pill. I have also suffered with severe manic depression and anxiety and was diagnosed as being bipolar when I was 22. I am also off all those medicines! Skinny Fiber has totally changed my life! I like what I see in the mirror now and am so much happier. I have more energy and just feel great!! I can't wait to see what else Skinny Fiber does for me! Thank you for getting me started!!!"

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